100% Rebel Puppet @DoctorWho_BBCA @NerdistDotCom @nerdist @bbcdoctorwho pic.twitter.com/cKSxEjx3P5
— Doctor Puppet (@TheDoctorPuppet) February 3, 2014
The Doctor Puppet series on YouTube is always able to put smiles on our faces. Just look at ’em! Little puppets with adorably tiny suits who also happen to be Doctor Who references? And since 12’s outfit was just revealed last week, it was only a matter of time before we’d get a second reveal from puppet master Alica Stern.
I think my favorite thing about this interpretation of Twelve is that the coat and sweater are clearly made with some kind of velvet or velour. It really adds to the whole “crappy magician” aesthetic that we’ve already decided we love so much. And the pose! Perfection.
(via Doctor Puppet on Twitter)
- Here’s Twelve’s actual outfit for comparison
- In which we coin the term “Whommer Pants”
- If only these guys were in charge of making the action figures less… creepy
Published: Feb 3, 2014 02:57 pm