When fans of Cartoon Network’s bizzarely entertaining Adventure Time got a load of the sneak preview of this week’s episode “What Was Missing,” it kind of drove the Marceline/Princess Bubblegum ‘shippers wild. Singing a song about how you really despise somebody is cool, but when there’s a verse where you admit that you despise them because you really want them to like you and you can’t explain why you want that so bad… well, that’s subtext rapidly approaching the event horizon of text.
But pretty much everybody figured it was one of those kids show things where the creators didn’t really intend to be overt. Until yesterday, when the official Adventure Time youtube channel published their recap of the episode.
In this episode Marcelline hints that she might like Princess Bubblegum at little more than she’d like to admit. Maybe a little more than Finn? Do you see where I’m going with this? …What do you think about Marcelline and Bubblegum getting together? Does that leave Finn out in the dust? Or is it just adorbz?
So far the video has over a thousand likes and only 21 dislikes. The top rated comments are overwhelmingly in favor. It seems like Adventure Time got the answer it was looking for. Here’s the recap video itself:
Move over, Spongebob and Patrick raising a scallop together. You’ve just been awesomely upstaged.
Published: Sep 28, 2011 1:43 PM UTC