Do you see an alien crab in this photograph of Mars, taken by NASA? Look very closely … perhaps at this zoomed-in version by UFO Sightings, presumably created by someone shouting “ENHANCE!” at Photoshop a lot.
NASA hasn’t confirmed that this is a photo of an alien crab, which is exactly what they’d do if it were an alien crab that they uploaded accidentally and didn’t want us to know about. It’s also what they would do if they had uploaded a picture of a rock formation that looked a little bit like a crab.
Come on, Scully, you have to admit it looks a little bit like a crab! Maybe even one of those Alien facehuggers. You can’t see the resemblance?
Oh, fine. Be that way.
(via io9, images via NASA, UFO Sightings, Livejournal and PandaWhale)
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Published: Aug 6, 2015 7:30 PM UTC