Join @E_L_James, tonight at 10.30 pm IST! Use #AskELJames to ask her a question.
— Penguin Books India (@PenguinIndia) June 29, 2015
Now that Grey is out, it seems like E.L. James is doing some publicity campaigns including a Twitter chat! Have a questions for E.L James? Although James hasn’t starting answering any questions, some amazing Twitter users have already started asking the important questions. There are some awesome snarky questions asking about her “inspirations” and lots that blatantly call out James’ horrible glorification of an abusive relationship.
Some of my favorites:
#AskELJames CG constantly ‘murmurs’ and ‘growls’ his lines. Is he intended to sound like a sulking teenager or was that accidental?
— Dan Olson (@FoldableHuman) June 29, 2015
Are you as homophobic in real life as your books are? Asking for a friend. #AskELJames
— Jenny Trout (@Jenny_Trout) June 29, 2015
Sweet mecy, there’s so much I want to #AskELJames Most start with “why” and end with the implacable howling of the damned. — Dan Olson (@FoldableHuman) June 29, 2015
If I tracked your cell phone and followed you to a bar, but I said it was because I was worried about you, would that be okay? #AskELJames — Snark Squad (@Snark_Squad) June 29, 2015
#AskELJames Are you aware that using alcohol and manipulation to gain consent is incredibly abusive and negates any consent given? — 50 Shades is abuse (@50shadesabuse) June 29, 2015
#AskELJames Are you aware of just how racist your work is or do you write it off as part of your immense literary skill? — Kayleigh Anne (@Ceilidhann) June 29, 2015
I’m not sure which member of the marketing team thought that an open Q&A on Twitter was a good idea. There are a few fan questions, but the majority are coming from those pointing out James’ problematic portrayals (bad for her, but good for humanity). 50 Shades of Abuse is calling for a takeover of the hashtag. (6PM UK time= 1PM US East Coast)
At 6pm today we will be asking ELJames why she continues to romanticise #Domesticabuse on her hashtag #AskELJames pls feel free to join in — 50 shades of abuse (@50shadesisabuse) June 29, 2015
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Published: Jun 29, 2015 4:22 PM UTC