Fans of Merlin may still be reeling after the show’s abrupt cancellation (I don’t want to talk about it), but we now know the show that will be taking its place, in the BBC’s lineup if not in our hearts: Atlantis, a Greek mythology-themed fantasy drama.
That… that might manage to take Merlin‘s place in my heart too, actually. I’ll have to see how good it is, but… Greek mythology-themed fantasy, guys. Greek mythology-themed fantasy.
The official series synopsis describes Atlantis like so:
“The city of Atlantis is a mysterious, ancient place; a world of bull leaping, of snake haired goddesses and of palaces so vast it was said they were built by giants [A/N: O hai Crete!].
“It’s into this strange, compelling realm that the young Jason arrives and an amazing adventure begins, bringing to life the vast store of Greek myths and legends re-imagined for a new generation.”
The show was created by Howard Overman, who created Misfits and wrote several episodes of Merlin, among them the one where Gaius was possessed by a goblin, but I’ll try not to hold that against him too much.
The 13-episode series will begin filming in April for a start date on BBC One this autumn in Merlin‘s old Saturday night timeslot. Among the shows joining it are Jamaica Inn, a gothic romance based on a novel by Daphne du Maurier, and Death Comes to Pemberly, a murder mystery based on the published Pride and Prejudice fanfic of P.D. James.
(via: Digital Spy)
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Published: Feb 13, 2013 4:01 PM UTC