1. Weighted Companion Cube (via)
2. Overflowed Toilet (via)
3. CompuBeaver (via)
4. Toaster PC (via)
5. Tire PC (via)
6. Wrestlemania (via)
7. Wii PC (via)
8. Whiskey Bottle PC (via)
9. Wall Socket PC that actually fits into a wall socket (via)
10. Volcanus (via)
11. Victorian PC (via)
12. Underwood No. 5 (via)
13. Trashcan PC (via)
14. Table PC (via)
15. Stained Glass PC (via)
16. Scooter PC (via)
17. PC-O-Lantern (via)
18. The PicoCube (via)
19. Piano PC (via)
20. Optimus Prime (via)
21. Mirtus Communicus (via)
22. The Temple of Nod (via)
23. TIE Fighter (via)
24. Weapon of Mass Destruction (via)
25. Windows XP Box PC (via)
26. Pyramid PC (via)
27. Microwave PC (via)
28. The Unidyne PC (via)
29. LOST (via)
30. There’s a tiny living room in that PC! (via)
31. Creepy Leela PC (via)
32. Terrifying Kratos PC (via)
33. Half-Life 2 PC (via)
34. Gingerbread House PC (via)
35. Edelweiss PC (via)
36. Doom 3’s Mars City (via)
37. Div from Penny Arcade (via)
38. Beer Dispenser PC (via)
39. Bite this shiny metal Bender PC (via)
40. BioShock PC (via)
41. Batmobile Tumbler (via)
42. Concrete PC (via)
43. Creepy Russian PC (via)
44. PCERMINATE! (via)
45. Alien PC (via)
Published: Mar 29, 2011 4:49 PM UTC