This is Jeff Schultz and Rosario “Tito” Peña‘s variant cover for Betty & Veronica #269, in which the pair do something new for Archie Comics: They go through “the typical day of a Riverdale teen” in real time! I’m sure their adventures are more interesting than mine when I was a teenager, though to be fair that’s not a particularly high bar. But I don’t know… bus rides to weekend debate tournaments could be pret-ty raucous. You know what I mean, high school debate team members. You know.
The regular cover and more information on the issue are behind the jump.
“Just Another Day” – This issue presents a first for an Archie Comic: An entire story happening in real time (well, comic book real time that is)! Find out what a typical day is like for Betty, Veronica and Archie! Do they go about their day like every other teenager? Of course not! Follow along with the infamous love triangle as we get a peek into the typical day of a Riverdale teen—with not so typical outcomes! Featuring story and art by fan favorite Archie artist Dan Parent and another installment of the classic art-inspired variant cover series by Jeff Shultz!Script: Dan Parent
Art: Jeff Shultz
Cover: Dan Parent, Bob Smith
Rosie the Riveter Variant Cover: Jeff Shultz, Rosario “Tito” Peña
On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: 12/18
160-page, full color comic
$3.99 US.
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Published: Sep 12, 2013 3:25 PM UTC