Chris Evans Says Nuts To Your Spider-Man, Goes To Visit The Concord Museum Instead

"It's just a huge... chunk of history!"
This article is over 10 years old and may contain outdated information

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Youā€™re excited by the possibility of a well-done Marvel Spider-Man movie. Youā€™re exhausted by Spidey reboots and origin stories. Youā€™re cautiously pessimistic that youā€™ll ever get to see Miles Morales on screen. Youā€™re annoyed that Marvelā€™s female-led and black-led movies have been pushed back for whatā€™s probably going to be another dweeby white kid. These are all too many emotions to have. Shhhhh, shhhhh. Let us sit a while and contemplate Louisa May Alcott with a bearded, be-plaided Chris Evans. Deep breaths.  Soak in the calm guitar music and simple wooden furniture, and also Evans pronouncing ā€œConcordā€ in the proper Bostonian way. Relax. Be at peace.

If you live in Massachusetts and want to take a trip to visit history yourself, we canā€™t promise that Chris Evans will be there at the Concord Museum (he shot this promotional film in October)ā€”but they do have the snowshoes that Henry David Thoreau used ā€œon occasion!ā€ Thatā€™s really just as worthwhile.

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