Thank you to the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society for posting a slew of pictures from the Westercon convention in 198o and showing dressing up in sci-fi, fantasy or comic costumes was always a lot of fun. Hit the jump for some of the most epic photos you’ll see this week.
Westercon, or West Coast Science Fantasy Conference, was founded back in 1948 and changes locations each year.
So, I’m not even going to try and guess what half of these are. Some are obvious but others are completely foreign to me. Any help placing what characters they are cosplaying would be awesome! I’ll number them to make it easier, but first and foremost, look at this wonderful Ripley.
1. Ripley
2. ?
3. Generic Wizard & Dragon or something specific?
4. Not sure Supergirl ever wore this particular costume but hey, I’m all for personal style.
5. ? and perhaps a Planet of the Apes character?
6. Darth Vader keeping cool by the pool.
7. A Time Lord and Moses?
8. ?
9. Specific character or just something really, really well done?
10. Yes.
11. ?
12. Leia & Yoda
(via EPBOT)
Published: Jan 6, 2012 7:32 PM UTC