Denny’s Kilgrave-Themed Jessica Jones Tumblr Post Was Probably Not a Great Idea

It happens to the best of us social media peeps.
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Eep! Denny’s Tumblr, I luv you, but no.

The Denny’s social media accounts tend to be surprisingly enjoyable, but a recent Tumblr post really missed the mark by referencing Jessica Jones‘ Purple Man to promote $4 pancakes.

Screenshot 2015-12-02 at 1.14.34 PM

It’s depressing to see anyone make light of Kilgrave’s mind control, since his power is analogous to the manipulation many people have experienced from their abusers. Whenever I see Kilgrave’s crimes being diminished or normalized like this, I worry that depicting The Purple Man and his control as a joke both ignores that he’s a rapist and also might contribute towards the ongoing fetishization of him and his crimes.

We forgive, forget, and fetishize real-life rapists enough. We don’t need to do it with fictional characters, too. Here’s hoping Denny’s takes the post down and returns to their regularly scheduled awesomeness soon.

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