Now that Steven Spielberg has admitted that he thinks superhero movies are a passing fad, the floodgates have opened, and anybody who secretly felt annoyed about the preponderance of superhero films can feel free to say so. Or at least, Emma Thompson has decided to open up about her thoughts on the superhero trend:
After a while, you do get a tiny bit cynical about it. The fact that I know they’re going to win out in the end has now slightly interfered with my continuing to go to those movies. If I see yet another Spider-Man, I’m going to have to actually hang myself. I can’t do it anymore! They’re all marvelous, but how many times can you make this franchise, for crying out loud?
After this, she did clarify: “I’m up for Wonder Woman, totally.” Totally! How many superhero movies have we all seen that reiterate the same hero’s journey, the same paternalistic troubles, and the same damsel romance? Although I might not use comedic hyperbole about “hanging myself” to express how bored I am, I admit I agree with Thompson’s core point. I’m happy to see Wonder Woman, but that’s not slated to arrive for a couple more years!
What do you think? Did Thompson do wrong by Spider-Man? Or do you also think this trend needs to get shaken up a bit?
(via Uproxx, image via WhaatsNew)
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Published: Sep 4, 2015 10:53 am