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Michael Lee gave himself a design challenge recently: redesign several popular comic book heroines (Vampirella is included, so I guess they’re not all superheroes in the classic sense) but keep them covered from toe to neck and wrist to wrist, without resorting to costumes that could be reproduced solely by body paint, while keeping the bold look of their standard costume. He intended it as a design experiment, not a political statement, and if he’d done it with male superheroes probably most people would be taking those words at face value. And it also wouldn’t have been much of a challenge since most male superheros are, actually, wearing clothing that covers them head to toe. The story isn’t the same for female characters, though, and so naturally there’s a healthy amount of internet response that’s a little tone deaf, calling his designs frumpy, like men in drag, or prudish.
All I know is that there are few things in the world that make me feel more badass than wearing a nice-fitting suit and a long coat.
(via The Beat.)
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Published: Apr 3, 2013 2:15 PM UTC