I don’t think it can be considered a spoiler to say there’s going to be some more fighting in Game of Thrones this season. That’s pretty much all anyone is doing these days on the show. Read on for a few details on the scale of an upcoming battle in Season 4.
The only spoiler that will be given away here is where the battle will take place. If you’d rather go into the season unaware, turn away now. Otherwise, read on to find out just how much has gone into one episode.
Director Neil Marshall, who previously helmed the famous “Blackwater” episode of Season 2, spoke with the Irish Film and Television Network about his work on episode 9 in Season 4:
What I can say is that it’s a huge episode – a huge production. As far as I know the episode hasn’t been named yet but someone online suggested it might be called ‘Castle Black’ but all I know is that it’s called episode nine! It’s kind of the same as ‘Blackwater’, in a sense, in that these episodes are bigger than most of my films! They’re on the same scale as something like ‘Centurion’, if not bigger. We have huge sets that they build – in the case of ‘Blackwater’ it was a section of King’s Landing. For this episode we didn’t have to build Castle Black, we already had it. But it’s an amazing set. They built another inside the Paint Hall for the top of the Wall, and that was so big it took up the entire studio.
He also mentioned there’d be three different battles happening, at the same time, in different places. As you can imagine, they won’t all consist of the main actors on the show.
“We also had a very large team of stuntmen including this amazing bunch of Hungarian stunt guys, and they were absolutely fantastic! Really great. This episode is loaded with stunts, effects gags and visual effects,” he told them. “There are a few beheadings in there, as is my wont! And yeah, we got to blow some people up, set people on fire and do quite a few high falls. There’s a lot of very physical action and a lot of fighting – sword fights and physical fights. We pack quite a lot of stuff in there.”
A recent production blog also gave an amusing hint at just how much was going into the fights this season, “We’re going to be killing the stuntmen 3 times each at least, so we’ll need to look at beards and hair.”
(via Hypable)
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Published: Nov 30, 2013 8:00 PM UTC