Yes, they are Girlfriends without the jealousy of monogamy. @jpalmiotti @AmandaRantsAlot #HarleyQuinnChat
— DC Comics (@DCComics) June 12, 2015
In a hashtag chat with DC Comics, writers Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner confirmed that Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are totally a thing.
When Harley falls in love, she falls in love hard and loyally no matter who they are. @jpalmiotti #HarleyQuinnChat
— DC Comics (@DCComics) June 12, 2015
Judging by the tweets, no, they aren’t just gal pals (sorry Hollywood), but they’re together. And it’s absolutely futzin’ sweet. It’s nice to see that they aren’t just dodging the question or ignoring it altogether. The moment fan/headcanon becomes “real canon,” it’s nice. This is one of those moments.
(via Kotaku, e-mail tipster)
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Published: Jun 13, 2015 7:30 PM UTC