Back in ye olden tymes when I was a kid and played outdoor games with my neighborhood friends, we used to imagine that the woodsy patch separating two houses was real quicksand, and we never went over there. Ever. These illustrations, by Pierette Diaz, will probably remind you about how our young eyes (and ears) were interpreting things a but differently than they do now.
Not only would the cracks in the sidewalk break your mother’s back, but there were definitely bloodthirsty gators in the sewers. Outside was scary.
At one point in our lives, dragons cooked our food. Let’s miss that together.
There was also a time when we loved the idea of sharing bathtime with a soap monster.
Look, kid — you wouldn’t even exist if not for that strange magic.
(The Curious Brain via Thaeger via Design You Trust)
Published: Oct 1, 2011 02:28 pm