The battle for gender equality is fought on many fronts, and Lena Headey wants to make sure that future generations are working towards bringing the level of equality that some women do have—under more privileged circumstances—to all women around the world.
In a guest blog post for Plan International USA—a nonprofit that supports children in developing countries around the world—Headey wrote,
The ever-present abuse of social and human rights in our world keeps me consciously awake, grateful, and humble.
Geography dictates my freedom as a woman, geography and the women before us who fought for our equal political voice. The inequality that is all too prevalent all over the world is so great and so frightening. We owe it to our sisters who have no voice, and no chance to be heard, to speak up.
Headey will soon give birth to her second child, a daughter, and wanted to help Plan International in their efforts to help kids who aren’t born with the same rights as those in the United States just because of where they live. If you’d like to help with that mission, there’s a donation button right on Headey’s blog post. She concludes,
[My daughter] will be loved, protected, respected, and celebrated.
All these things that should be, and will be, basic human rights, are a promise to my daughter. My humble request is that you give what you can and maybe—just maybe—we can bring about the change we all wish to see.
(via Indiwire, image via s_bukley /
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Published: May 28, 2015 3:30 PM UTC