I can’t imagine that many of our readers aren’t familiar with “Science Bros,” but just in case, let me recap: It’s the pairing, sometimes platonically but often decidedly not, of Bruce Banner and Tony Stark in The Avengers. It’s sunshine and rainbows and flowers and science.
And now Mark Ruffalo ships it.
The news comes courtesy of Vulture; one of their writers showed the Hulk actor Tumblr’s “Science Bros” tag during an interview, because they’re awesome like that. His reaction was priceless:
“Are you joking?” he asked as he began scrolling through the images. “There’s all this art of me and Robert [Downey Jr.]?” Giggles gave way to full belly laughter. A concerned publicist came over, though Ruffalo was laughing so hard that he could barely explain himself to her.
“Is that a cartoon of you?” she asked.
“Yes! It’s me and Robert! Look at this! There’s thousands of them!” Ruffalo tried to contain himself. “It’s called the Science Bros. This is awesome. I’ve never heard of it. Why hasn’t anyone told me about that?”
He then asked whether Science Bros is a “quasi-erotic” thing, which of course most of it is, because Tumblr. Far from being freaked out by this, Ruffalo called it “cute” and, asked whether he shipped it, said “Yeah! I love it; it’s awesome. I endorse is 100 percent. You know what it is? It’s open-source creativity.” He gets us.
But wait. It gets better:
He alighted on a drawing of Stark leaning onto Banner’s shoulder suggestively, offering him something out of a bag. “Would you like a gummy worm?” Ruffalo murmured, supplying his own caption.
Predictably, the Tumblr tag is now filled with “gummy worms” references. I love you, fandom.
Ruffalo couldn’t wait to drop his newfound knowledge bomb on Downey Jr. “I’m going to call him and tell him, and he’s going to laugh his ass off,” Ruffalo said. “He’ll love that.”
RIP fourth wall. I’m not entirely convinced Downey Jr. doesn’t know about Science Bros already.
(via: Vulture)
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Published: Apr 18, 2013 8:15 PM UTC