There’s plenty of good fanfic out there, and like anything else, there’s plenty of bad. But some stories become famous. Well, infamous. Whispered through the Harry Potter fandom and beyond as the worst fanfic ever written: and now, it’s getting a webseries.
That’s right, My Immortal is getting a webseries.
Faithful to the spelling errors, plot holes, gothy clothes, hyperbolic characters, and an incredibly OOC Harry Potter universe, the webseries captures the best-worst aspects of its source material and puts them all on display. From the heroines inability to pronounce her own name, Hagrid’s satanic faith, and non-dancing goths, it’s all here.
The first three episodes are already out, check under the cut to see the literary carnage.
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
(via The Daily Dot)
- Erotic Fanfic Duo Nabs 5-Book Deal With Simon & Schuster (What am I doing with my life?!)
- Move Over, Fifty Shades Of Grey, Another Twilight Fanfic Gets A Book Deal
- PBS Delves Into Fanfiction [VIDEO]
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Published: Jul 29, 2013 5:15 PM UTC