Well, now that I’ve crafted a sufficiently apparently nonsensical title for you, you should know that in the Castle episode “Punked,” involved a Deloran, suspicions of time traveling, suspicions of old-timey duels to the death, suspicions of old-timey duels to the accidental death, and a Steampunk society murder.
Also, during the episode, Nathan Fillion’s titular character dons a Steampunk styled outfit complete with pneumatic arm, to get in the swing of things. And now you can buy that arm, to put your arm where Fillion put his arm.
Thomas Willeford, owner of Brute Force Studios and author of a book on Steampunk style, created the arm for the 2010 episode, but has simply kept it, ah, on hand since, loathe to part with such a beautiful piece of craftsman ship with such a unique place in nerd culture. But funds must be raised for a “hitherto-undisclosed project” and so the arm is up on the auction block.
As of right now, eBay bidding has the arm at $1,700, but it wont sell unless it reaches the hidden reserve price (the minimum the seller wants to be reimbursed for a sale), so if bidding doesn’t heat up in the next couple of days, it might wind up going nowhere after all. So what are you guys waiting for? Even if it costs you an arm and a leg, you’re still only down a leg!
(via Fashionably Geek.)
Published: Mar 8, 2012 6:56 PM UTC