If you watch ABC’s Once Upon a Time you know they pull from all sorts of stories, not just the usual suspects, for their characters. We’ve seen a few glimpses of the realm called Wonderland but one of the people they’ve given extra attention to was the Mad Hatter (aka Jefferson). Actor Sebastian Stan had a recurring role on the show which is now causing the network a few problems since he has other obligations to fulfill. And did we mention they’re thinking about a spinoff for the Mad Hatter?
The good news is, ABC loves the Mad Hatter. The bad news is, Stan can’t play him anymore. Why? Because he was lucky enough to land the role of Bucky in Captain America and has reprised that role in a big way in its sequel, Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The Hollywood Reporter writes, “ABC and the producers hoped that Stan could have continued, but he was unavailable for long-term work.”
I’m going to reluctantly admit my brain didn’t make the connection between Bucky and Mad Hatter. For some reason I didn’t realize it was the same actor. I also haven’t seen Captain America since it was in theaters so that may be why. Regardless, the news really bums me out because Stan’s character was one of my favorites on Once Upon a Time (I have a fondness for Wonderland as a whole). And of course it makes me even more upset to hear ABC is considering a spinoff without Stan.
THR says, “Though the spinoff project is in the very early stages, ABC is mulling whether a short presentation will be filmed or a backdoor pilot will air later this season. It would be a late addition to ABC’s pilot pool and would be vying for a fall 2013 slot.” They also say executive producers Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis would act as showrunners for both series.
Though I will say this, if a spinoff means we get a show set entirely in Wonderland, I’m all in. What about you?
(via Hollywood Reporter)
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Published: Feb 23, 2013 4:55 PM UTC