Women have been having periods for as long as there have been people, so it’s ridiculous that even in 2016 it’s still met with embarrassment or hushed tones. Well, one female content creator is hoping to help change all that with her new webseries, Period Piece.
Much as its punnish title suggests, Period Piece – created by Liliana Tandon – takes a look at what it’s been like for women to have their periods at various, um, periods in history.
They give us facts…but then they have a bit of fun too. For example, check out this episode called “Biblical Times”:
There’s plenty I wouldn’t like about going back to the past as a woman, but I’ve gotta say, getting to take my period week off and hang out in a tent with other women swapping stories every month doesn’t seem too bad! Regardless of whether one gets trashed.
Did you know that in 18th Century France, the smell of menstruation was considered a seductive smell, because it inspired thoughts of fertility? Imagine what that must have done for the perfume industry!
It isn’t just menstruation throughout time that gets examined, but attitudes about menstruation throughout cultures, like in this episode about Buddhism. Because it takes a special attitude indeed to be able to meditate comfortably while menstruating:
I love that this series attempts to look at not only time periods, but cultures. And while their casting seems a bit limited in terms of women of color, it’s clear the effort is being made, which is great to see.
If you want to see more of Period Piece, check out their YouTube channel and subscribe! Because we all need to be more comfortable with what happens to half the population every month. Period.
(via Jezebel)
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Published: Mar 9, 2016 7:19 PM UTC