I couldn’t help myself… pic.twitter.com/wtCWchFIne
— Phil Noto (@philnoto) April 8, 2016
Phil Noto, noted comic artist, said he “couldn’t help himself” and created what I’m officially motioning we call the official-not-official Rogue One movie poster. You might recognize his work; he’s the one who drew that stunning art for the Poe Dameron Marvel comic series that hit stands just this past week. I guess you can’t really keep the guy away from drawing all Star Wars everything, though to be honest, why would you want to do that?
Featured front and center here is Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso, who seems to be channeling Jennifer Lawrence’s Katniss. I don’t know if I could blame you for looking over this poster real quick and thinking it looks a bit like a Hunger Games poster, because it does–that is, until it gets to either side of Jyn’s head, where you can see one of my most favorite parts of this entire work of art: the under construction Death Star and Vader’s helmet both flanking the Rebellion firebird symbol. (Hmm… firebird, Hunger Games parallels… ah, dang.)
Look, my point with all of this is: I want this as a large poster print hanging in my apartment. I just do. It’s freaking fantastic, and I can’t contain my excitement for both this art and the movie itself when I look at it. That’s what a good movie poster is supposed to do, right?
(via io9)
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Published: Apr 8, 2016 6:24 PM UTC