If you’re a fan of Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill (I kind of refuse to divide it into “volumes” in my head – it’s all one movie to me), a sequel to that story seems inevitable. After all, in the beginning of the film, when Uma Thurman’s Bride character kills Vernita Green in front of her daughter (she had it comin’), The Bride says “When you grow up, if you’re still feeling raw about it, I’ll be waiting.” So…cue next revenge flick, right? Well, yes, as it turns out. And Tarrantino has recently talked about how and when this might happen.
According to Entertainment Weekly, Tarantino said, ““There definitely is a possibility. Stop short of seeing a probability.” He and Thurman continue to discuss the possibilities, but there are a couple of reasons why they need a bit more time before they can move forward:
“I put the character of Beatrix Kiddo through a lot, and so I wanted her to have this much time for peace,” Tarantino said, explaining that he wanted to give the character some downtime to spend with her daughter.
In addition to that, there’s also the notion that we need little Nikki to be not-so-little:
The whole idea [behind waiting so long between films] was everybody would be as old as they are.
It’ll be exciting to see Uma Thurman return to her role as The Bride older, wiser, and maybe even more serene now that she’s taken some family time. However, knowing Tarantino, he will likely cast Ambrosia Kelley in the role of Nikki again, as well as Perla Haney-Jardine in the role of The Bride’s daughter, B.B, and it will be cool to see these two young women go at it in the action space as well!
Obvious vengeance for her Nikki’s mother’s death aside, what would you like to see explored in Kill Bill Vol. 3?
(via IGN)
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Published: Dec 8, 2015 1:21 AM UTC