What do Marjorie M. Liu, Mercedes Lackey, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Rhianna Pratchett, Leah Moore, Tamora Pierce, Blair Butler, Nancy Collins, Meljean Brook, Nicola Scott, Devin Grayson have in common? More than just being fantastic women writers and artists, of course.
They have all been recruited by Gail Simone to write for the new anthology Red Sonja: Legends.
Yup. All of them.
Head under the cut for all of the exciting details.
At SDCC, Dynamite is going to announce Red Sonja: Legends– an anthology of short stories written for the 40th anniversary of the iconic character. In addition to the star cast of writing ladies, Frank Thorne and Jay Anacleto will be contributing multiple covers as the token male contributors to the overwhelmingly female-led project.
Some of these women have been writing comics for years, some are returning to the medium after long absences, and some have never written comics at all. For Scott, this is her first writing credit ever. Those are some incredible names to be next to for your first credit!
Gail Simone took to her blog to express how excited she is:
It’s a huge, sprawling story, with each of these amazing women telling a fantastic short story about Red Sonja inside the larger story, kind of like a braided novel. I can’t think of any time anything QUITE like this has been done, certainly a squad like this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing.
I’ve been calling them the Red Women, and working with them has been one of the most joyful and entertaining things I have EVER done EVER EVER.
That excitement is certainly infectious! The fandom is a-twitter, and the writers are all share Simone’s enthusiasm for the project. Here are some of their choicest quotes about it.
Tamora Pierce:
This is the coolest project ever: new stories crafted by some of the best writers and artists out there, about a woman warrior created by one of my literary idols, Robert E. Howard, spearheaded by my comics goddess, Gail Simone. I’m honored to be a part of this, and can’t wait to see the whole thing. It will be a ground-breaking, multilayered view of a character who has been brawling through comics for decades!
Leah Moore:
It’s not everyday that Gail Simone asks me to write Red Sonja. To be honest, I’m glad, because when it happened, I had to be peeled off the ceiling. Writing Red Sonja has been a personal ambition of mine for a long time. She is about the most fun a writer can have. She’s a loner, a grouch, a badass, and is apparently impervious to cold. I am almost too excited about this project to actually write the thing, which is counter-productive, really.
Rhianna Pratchett:
I treasured my Red Sonja poster when I was kid. So to get the opportunity to write a story for the character, and to do it in the company of such extraordinary, talented women, is a dream come true. My younger self is definitely high-fiving my older self.
I think most of the female comics-reading population is high-fiving your older self too, Ms. Pratchett. We can’t wait to see what amazing things this team produces.
(via Bleeding Cool)
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Published: Jul 15, 2013 7:00 PM UTC