Sean Young Spills on Whether We’ll Be Seeing Rachael in the Blade Runner Sequel

Pros and Cons
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Like it or not, a sequel to Blade Runner is in the works. It’s still in the very early stages—to my knowledge all we know about it at this point is that Ridley Scott plans to do it. But the very prospect of a Blade Runner sequel has a lot of people curious, including Crave Online, which during an interview with Sean Young took the opportunity to ask the actress whether her original Blade Runner character Rachael might show up in the sequel.

Her answer?

Probably not.

Says Young:

Well, I did meet with Alcon, the company that owns it and is planning to do the remake with Ridley. I did meet with them, but I think at that point they just wanted to meet me and I don’t think they have any plans of using any of the original people, although I can’t say for sure. I do think, let me just say it right here, I do think it would be a disappointment to the audience not to have Rachel in it but you know what, folks in Hollywood make mistakes all the time.

I guess depending on your interpretation of the film, she might have only lasted four years.

Oh no, in the interpretation I’m the one that has no end date. I’m the one that rides off in the car with him at the end that has no end date. I’m Nexus-7, not Nexus-6.

“Folks in Hollywood make mistakes all the time.” True and bold, Sean Young. True and bold.

I wouldn’t necessarily say it would be a mistake to, say, set the Blade Runner sequel in a different time period with a completely different cast, though. But that’s my bias talking—I was always drawn more, with Blade Runner, to the world in which it took place and the technological ideas than any of the individual characters, though I do have a soft spot for Roy Batty.

If there’s going to be a Blade Runner sequel, the only way it would be worthwhile is if Scott expanded on the original movie in a completely new, exciting way. Otherwise why even do it? (Even if you think there should never, ever be a Blade Runner sequel in the first place—if Scott’s determined to do it, we want it to at least be good, no?) That said, the whole “same universe, different storyline” thing led to the unholy mess that was Prometheus. So I don’t know what I want from the Blade Runner sequel at this point.

But—cynic in me talking, here—if it’s going to be bad, I’d at least want as many of the original characters as possible to stay out of it. No need to retroactively sully brilliance. (Looking at you, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.)

(via: blastr)

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