If you are A) a fan of candy, B) an aspiring supervillain who relishes the idea of eventually destroying a planet but wants to start small or C) into astronomy, you might want to invest in some of Etsy seller Vintage Confections’ “edible images planets lollipops.” A set contains ten lollipops, each fashioned after a different planet, plus the Sun and Pluto (moment of silence for our no-longer-planetary friend, please). As you can see, they look pretty (wait for it…) freaking sweet, plus they’re decorated with edible silver glitter to simulate stars, which is exactly the type of attention to detail I look for in my confectionary treats.
Sets can come in either Cosmic Cotton Candy or Supernova Strawberry. (OK, just “cotton candy” and “strawberry”—I like my way better, but what can you do?) Unfortunately, future Planet Destroyers will have to wait until January 1, 2013 for the lollies to ship, as there’s something of a backlog (getting a writeup on CNET will do that), but really, on a cosmic timescale three and a half months is nothing.
Still, if you’ve a hankering for geek-themed lollipops that cannot wait months to be sated, Vintage Confections has a few other offerings that might be to your tastes: There’s Spider-Man, Batman, comic book word bubbles, and (for the horror film aficionados) skulls, bones, and eyeballs (ewwwww).
Rebecca Pahle writes for Art Business News.
Published: Sep 11, 2012 4:46 PM UTC