Do the Want Receptors of my brain care that this single ring costs between thirty-six and forty-two hundred dollars? Do they care that it’s on No, in fact they’re suggesting that for that amount of money, an order customized for my child-sized hands should probably be included. Here’s what the ring is made of:
This ring features a complete band of Gibeon Meteorite framed and mounted in an 18k gold band. The meteorite has been etched with nitric acid to reveal the characteristic patterns, or Widmanstatten figures, of iron meteorites, and set with 9 gemstones representing the planets of our Solar System. Mercury is represented by a rust colored Sapphire, Venus a golden Sapphire, Earth an irradiated blue Diamond, Mars a Ruby, Jupiter an Opal, Saturn a Cats Eye Chrysoberyl with an inlaid 24k gold ring, Uranus a green Sapphire, Neptune a blue Sapphire and Pluto a black Diamond. What really makes this ring special is that the band of meteorite spins independent of the gold ring, so when it is on, the planets rotate around the wearer’s finger.
I’ll just be over here, trying to refocus my Want Receptors on some cookies.
(via Diary of a Death Starlette.)
Published: May 18, 2012 2:35 PM UTC