Spider-Woman Gets Costume Redesign and WHOA DANG Is It Nifty

Where was this six months ago???
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See, now that’s how you make a Spider-Woman cover sexy without it feeling completely demeaning. Admittedly, I’m not sure how physically possible it is to bend like that, but the viewer isn’t being subjected the the full contour and shape of her sexy parts for no discernible reason, the clothes she’s wearing don’t appear to be spray painted on, and it actually feels like Jessica Drew has agency in her pose (what a difference visible pupils make, man). I could easily imagine Miles Morales or Peter Parker in that exact same position without having to make any changes to account for any Hawkeye Initiative-style awkwardness in form.

Plus, get a load of that new costume as designed by Kris Anka! Here’s some more from Anka and Javier Rodriquez, courtesy of USA Today:


From Kris Anka’s Tumblr

by Javier Rodriguez

by Javier Rodriguez

Practical leather jacket with superhero logo? Cute hair? Leggings? Marvel, admit it, you’re cribbing off of Batgirl right now. And we love it.

“As much as I’m a fan of spandex and it has its time and place, I felt Jess as a character could move away from that for a good long while,” Spider-Woman editor Nick Lowe told USA Today. Series writer Dennis Hopeless also noted that the series will now see Jessica Drew avoiding the more fantastical galactic elements of the Marvel Universe in favor of regular ol’ detective work: “You’ve seen her as a superspy and Avenger and soldier. Now let’s see this person as an old-school hero.”

It’s sort of unclear why the costume redesign didn’t just start with the Spider-Woman series premiere and will instead be kicking off issue #5, though it probably has something to do with the end of the Spider-Verse event, which will also soon bring us the ongoing Spider-Gwen title. But I also suspect that Marvel wanted to ingratiate fans after both the Milo Manara variant debacle and positive attention DC Batgirl redesign was getting—which, many speculated, was in turn a way for DC to catch up to the edgier youth-focused comics that Marvel has in rotation, like Ms. Marvel. And who said company rivalry never led to anything good?

(via Multiversity Comics)

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