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I don’t care that it looks heavy. I want it. (by designer Fannie Schiavoni, via Fashionably Geek)
- Kickass Woman of the Day: Joy Johnston, 86, The Oldest Woman to Run the NYC Marathon, Dies Days After Completing 25th Race (The Frisky)
- Roots is getting a History Channel remake. It was only a matter of time. (Deadline)
- Submissions are open for Rachel Eddin and Sfé Monster’s Beyond, an anthology of queer science fiction and fantasy comics that the pair of them are crowdfunding. Find out more at Comics Beat.
Dad/costume creator Paco Allen spoke to Make about how he made this Luke Skywalker costume for his 4-year-old daughter. The clothes themselves look pretty simple. The Tauntaun, not so much. (Neatorama)
- Two Actual Physicists Wrote a Paper on How a Real TARDIS Would Work (Geekosystem)
- WB Games is doing a Humble Bundle! Pay what you want and get Scribblenauts Unlimited, Batman: Arkham City, and more.
Earlier today we showed you one geek-related picture that seems to have drawn inspiration from Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks, and now here’s a second, albeit one where the reference is more direct. (by Ian Navarro, via io9)
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Published: Nov 5, 2013 9:00 PM UTC