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Spock is not impressed. But we have to admit, now we kind of ship it. (At Full of Whoa)
- In which Phineas and Ferb interview Miss Piggy. Wait, what? Awesome. (At Tough Pigs)
- Speaking of Muppets and awesome things, now you can listen to the entirety of the new The Muppets movie soundtrack. (At Jezebel)
- If you are dissatisfied with the current results of the FemShep contest, you’re in luck: the contest is going into a few extra rounds, so go vote and maybe you’ll get your way. (At Gamepro)
- Bridesmaids (and Gilmore Girls) star Melissa McCarthy will be playing a women who steals Jason Bateman’s identity in the comedy ID Theft. It was a part originally written for a man, but Bateman liked McCarthy’s performance in Bridesmaids so much that he offered it to her instead. Congrats, Sookie! (At Deadline)
We appreciate this fan-art for a Batman/Lara Croft crossover. (At Meagan Marie)
We are big fans of both bike safety and Star Wars, so was there any doubt we’d love this helmet? (At NPR Fresh Air)
Let us all wish a very happy birthday to Lois Lane! (At DC Women Kicking Ass)
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Published: Aug 17, 2011 10:00 PM UTC