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Big damn Avengers. (Gutters via ScansDaily)
- Official in Iran became “concerned about the social side-effects of rising educational standards among women.” Response: ban women from seventy-seven undergraduate courses in thirty six universities. (The Frisky)
- Remember when Komen put politics before breast cancer prevention and denied Planned Parenthood a huge grant, only to eventually rescind while Planned Parenthood got a ton of sympathy donations? Yeah, PP got enough to put together an entire new preventative anti-cancer effort. Hooray! (Jezebel)
Other cool things include this Cthulhu wedding cake (Neatorama):
- So Superman and Wonder Woman are going to be a couple. In Justice League. Which is set five years earlier than main DC continuity. So, the are going to have been a couple. I’m sorry, but just… YAAAAWN. Tim Hanley expresses himself much better than I on this issue, particularly in #4. (Straightened Circumstances)
- Okay, so birthstones are neat, but their sort of astronomy tie ins are silly. What if your birthstone was actually a fictional material like kryptonite or Dilithium? (Stellar Four)
Linda lovingly stitched all the original one hundred and fifty one Pokémon into this tapestry. My crossstitch project was put on hold for cosplay. :( (Geekologie)
- A review of Hope Larson‘s graphic novel adaptation of Madeline L’Engle‘s A Wrinkle in Time. (Fleen)
- You can preorder Brave today! (The Disney Blog)
Some hero has created honest Game of Thrones house mottos. More at the link. (Geeks Are Sexy)
- Ellen DeGeneres is in talks to reprise the role of Dory in the Finding Nemo sequel. All is right with the world. (The Hollywood Reporter)
I can only assume that the Master is the joker in this deck. And all the aces are River Song. (Fashionably Geek)
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Published: Aug 22, 2012 9:04 PM UTC