Yup. Life-sized LEGO Batman. Just like you’ve always wanted. (At Bit Rebels)
This was inspired by the Smurfs trailer. (Chainsaw Suit)
Tonka the Wombat, who lives at Australia’s Billabong Sanctuary, has been diagnosed with depression, which is so depressing, because look how adorable he is! (At URLesque)
A concert performed at the Brooklyn Academy of Music was devoted entirely to the music of Final Fantasy. Check out Motherboard for the full review and more pics!
Today in Geek Ink: Classy Cthulhu (At Ugliest Tattoos, though this is a little too cute to be ugly)
And this sweet Stormtrooper tattoo. (At Fashionably Geek)
Esther Inglis-Arkell at io9 has an interview with the author of One Con Glory, Sarah Kuhn, who is adapting her book into a film with producer Desiree Hall. Says Kuhn:
I do think the time has come for lady nerd movie protagonists to become more of a thing. Geek girls are a force to be reckoned with online and at cons, but it doesn’t seem like we’ve seen that reality reflected yet on the big screen.
This has to happen.
Published: Apr 15, 2011 9:59 PM UTC