Awwww. You can just hear the theme music when you look at this, huh? By ChristoÂpher Uminga, whose collection also includes the Joker and Wonder Woman. (At Design You Trust)
Geraldine Ferraro, the country’s first female nominee for Vice President, passed away today at 75. When her nomination was announced at the Democratic National Convention in 1984, she said this:
Tonight, the daughter of a woman whose highest goal was a future for her children talks to our nation’s oldest party about a future for us all. Tonight, the daughter of working Americans tells all Americans that the future is within our reach, if we’re willing to reach for it. Tonight, the daughter of an immigrant from Italy has been chosen to run for [Vice] President in the new land my father came to love …
By choosing a woman to run for our nation’s second highest office, you send a powerful signal to all Americans: There are no doors we cannot unlock. We will place no limits on achievement. If we can do this, we can do anything.
Before that, Ferraro served three terms in the House of Representatives and was an Assistant District Attorney in Queens, New York, where she was assigned to the Special Victims Unit. Her career makes Sarah Palin look like Snooki.
This adorable Super Mario Bros. cake (left) was recreated in felt (right) because it seemed so huggable, but that would have been a mess. (At Cake Wrecks)
This prosthetic ear turned man into Vulcan on the set of the original Star Trek series. And now, this actual ear worn by Leonard Nemoy it is up for auction on April 2 and expected to sell for £700, or about $1,127. (At Daily Mail)
Cupcakes. Dinosaurs fossils. Done and done! (At Neatorama)
Nicholas, a reader of Geeks Are Sexy sent in some really lovely portraits of his pregnant wife — in full zombie makeup. Awww. Eating brains for two!
How freaked out would you be if a baby unicorn just suddenly scurried across your backyard? (At BuzzFeed)
Um, honey? There’s something stuck in the sink … (At The Daily What)
Published: Mar 26, 2011 05:45 pm