Including Wonder Woman, written by Brian Azzarello and drawn by Cliff Chiang (the dude who did that DC women Runaways art).
Also including Gail Simone partnering with Ethan Van Sciver to write a Firestorm title drawn by Yildiray Cinar, and Dan Jurgens writing Justice League International, a team book featuring Fire, Ice, Vixen, and what might be Donna Troy. (Bleeding Cool.)
This is Rosalyn Yalow, the second woman to win a Nobel Prize in medicine. She died this week, but her co-discovered test to detect harmful levels (or lack) of insulin and other hormones in the blood is still used on millions of babies around the world. (The New York Times via Jezebel.)
Any Torchwood fans still sad that Ianto died? Well, he’ll be back, sort of. His actor will be reprising the role in three radio dramas set before the character’s death. (Blastr.)
And now: stupid things people say in bookstores. (Jen Campbell via @neilhimself)
Customer: Hi, do you have any new books?
Me: We’re an antiquarian bookshop – our stock is out of print books.
Customer: So other people have touched them?
Me: Presumably, yes.
Customer: I don’t think I’ll bother, thanks.
Me: OK.
And now, Star Wars things. Like the Muppets. Muppets are Star Wars things, right?
Right. (Comics Alliance.)
And remember those kids who were barred from their graduation for staging a mock light-saber fight? They’re walking at their graduation. (Geekologie.)
And now, a beautiful French Leia. (Pigtails and Combat Boots.)
Published: Jun 2, 2011 9:10 PM UTC