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Look at his horse. His horse is amazing. Give it a lick. It tastes just like robot cowboys in a Spaghetti Western themed season 7 episode of Doctor Who. (Daily Mail)
- Pottermore has been given a brand new firm launch date of early April. The long wait from initial launch month of last October was due to the unexpected volume of internet users who wanted in to J.K. Rowling‘s first official online Potter community. (Yahoo! News)
This is LEGO executive Charlotte Simonsen‘s business card. (Note: not a ladyfig!) (The Jane Dough)
- The Frisky has a flowchart to help you decide what kind of vibrator is right for you. I admit I’m intrigued by its suggestion for me.
Comediva shows us Katniss Everdeen’s Pinterest page. What? Pinterest is for ladies, right? (Do click through to the biggest one, it’ll make more sense than just looking at these tiny thumbnails.)
- The Atlantic’s article on the success of women in the workforce, and the benefits of women in the workforce to the workforce is a very good read.
I don’t really know what to say about this other than that I’m not sure I’d like this movie more if they teamed up or fought to the death. (Reddit)
- Shoshana Kessock explains why there is not Team Gale or Team Peeta, only Team Katniss. (
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Published: Mar 8, 2012 10:00 PM UTC