You might be asking yourself, Why do penguins need sweaters? Because it’s cold? Because they’re snazzy? Because they are not fond of coats? Aside from the obvious snazziness, penguins needs sweaters because after the Tauranga oil spill in New Zealand, penguins have been getting sick preening their oil-covered feathers. Penguin sweaters prevent them from doing this. You can learn how to make (and donate) them at Skeinz Yarn Store. (via Mental_Floss)
Just when you thought you were safe from the Akira remake: Screen Rant reports that Warner Bros. is about to make a decision on whether or not to move forward with an Americanized, live-action remake of the classic anime film.
Jezebel is that really cool friend who lent you her hair brush today and told you how funny you are, because they have two really awesome stories we had to tell you about:
First, we all knew about Anne Frank and her legendary diary about her time hiding from the Nazis. But have you ever heard of Helga Weiss? Weiss outsmarted Nazis and saved herself and her mother from the concentration camps by convincing them that she (Helga) was older and her mother was younger. Weiss’ diary will be published next year.
Second, a sorority at Washburn University inducted a 90-year-old woman as an honorary member. Back in 1941, Bertie McConnell had to put off pledging to Zeta Tau Alpha when World War II broke out and she went to work at an ammunition factory. We’re assuming they won’t make her go through hazing.
Dark Horse has announced that Brian Wood and Becky Cloonan will take on Conan, adapting Robert E. Howard‘s Queen of the Black Coast. (via Digital Spy)
Ever wonder why so many automated voices, like Apple‘s Siri, are female? And do they make dudes feel like Don Draper? (via The Atlantic)
The Muppets take on the Beatles‘ Revolver, among a few other famous album covers. (via Popped Culture)
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Published: Oct 17, 2011 9:58 PM UTC