Oh, Doctor Who. Please stop making us so terrified of everyday objects and occurrences. Well, don’t stop, because we love every second of it, but at least, I don’t know, ease up a little? Leave us with a couple of things in this world that we don’t have to worry are secretly creatures from some other world, waiting to destroy everything we love?
Well, that doesn’t feel like it’s gonna happen anytime soon. In fact, the Doctor and company will be moving momentarily stateside this season, and while they’re there they’ll battle a very recognizable symbol of American history. For more info on the who/what, follow the jump.
**Obligatory Spoiler Alert**
Well, prepare to be a little bit more frightened of New York for a little while: The Statue of Liberty is a weeping angel.
It makes a lot of sense, if you think about it: Of all the statues in the world, it’s pretty unlikely that there is ever a moment when someone isn’t looking at the Statue of Liberty, whether it’s the tourists walking around inside of her or some insomniac staring over the water in the middle of the night. Maybe that’s why the French sent her here in the first place; get her out of their hair and keep her captive all at once, and all in the name of internation diplomacy.
It’s easy to imagine that, for the purposes of a Who plot, Lady Liberty might find a way to somehow go unobserved for a little while, leaving her free to wreek havoc.
Now here’s the part that makes us curl up into the fetal position and wish for a happy ending: Lady Liberty will make her villainess appearance in this season’s fifth episode, titled “Bye-Bye Pond.” Yup, the last one in which Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill are set to appear as Eleven’s companions; the one in which the Ponds make their exit.
The Daily Star has a synopsis of the episode (although, considering the source, it is somewhat less than completely confirmed):
The Doctor and companions Amy and Rory travel to America to battle a new army of Weeping Angels.And they get a massive shock when the 305ft-tall statue in New York harbour turns out to be the biggest one of them all.
Voted the BBC show’s scariest-ever monsters, the killer statues spring to life only when they are not being watched.
And if fans of the series are not hiding behind the sofa, they will also need to get their hankies out.
It’s in the Weeping Angels episode that Amy and Rory (played by Karen Gillan, 24, and Arthur Darvill, 28) bow out in tragic circumstances.
God dammit, Steven Moffat is going to make us cry again, and we are not fully prepared. In fact, he pretty much admitted it, because it’s a well-known fact that Steven Moffat feeds off of fannish tears:
“There will be a final showdown with the Weeping Angels. Not everyone gets out alive. And I mean it this time!”
We’re feeling fairly patriotic these days as we pour ourselves into the Olympics every day, but how will we feel if the Statue of Liberty of all things is responsible for taking one or both Ponds away from us?
(via Blastr)
(Image via BBC)
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Published: Jul 31, 2012 11:46 am