YouTuber and X-Men devotee “Philysteak” must be a big fan of the ’90s X-Men: The Animated Series, because their shot-for-shot recreation of the X-Men: Apocalypse trailer painstakingly lines up footage from that cartoon with the live-action scenes. It’s not perfect, of course, but considering what they had to work with, it’s quite impressive. By the way, you might want to watch the original X-Men: Apocalypse trailer first, if you haven’t already!
Speaking of which, did anybody else watch the 1990s episodes based on Days of Future Past right before they went to go see the live-action movie with that same story-line? That old cartoon is surprisingly adept when it comes to adapting those old story-lines in a digestible, cartoonish way. Of course, the cartoons are pretty different in aesthetic and tone from the live-action X-Men movies, which is part of why it’s so funny to see the animations juxtaposed with the hyper-serious pulsing soundtrack from the live-action trailer … but X-Men is always pretty grim in every iteration, so it works.
What’s your favorite X-Men adaptation? There have been so many great ones, but the ’90s cartoon is definitely an enduring favorite of mine.
(via Comic Book Resources)
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Published: Dec 17, 2015 12:30 PM UTC