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7-Year-Old Girl Visits Her Favorite Chemists in This Adorable Video

We should all love chemistry as much as this girl loves chemistry.

Adele Rouse got to live out every child’s dream: she flew to England to visit her favorite chemists. (That’s a thing all children want to do, right?) In this video Rouse visits some of the chemists behind Periodic Videos, an incredible YouTube channel that demonstrates some really incredible chemistry with humor and crazy hair.

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In case you thought I was kidding about the hair. (Image via Periodic Videos)

In case you thought I was kidding about the hair.
(Image via Periodic Videos)

Adele’s mother Kathryn Rouse said,

Coming here and meeting all of these chemists is, for her, the equivalent of going to Disney World and meeting all of the Disney princesses for the rest of her female classmates.

You’re not alone, Adele. I’d rather meet the Periodic Videos chemists than go to Disney World, too.

When Adele grows up she says she wants to either be a scientist or a mathematician, and suddenly the future looks at least a little bit brighter.

(Periodic Videos via Tristan Johnson)

Previously in girls loving science

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Glen Tickle
Glen is a comedian, writer, husband, and father. He won his third-grade science fair and is a former preschool science teacher, which is a real job.

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