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A shocking amount of Americans agree with Donald Trump’s disgustingly racist comment

Donald Trump speaking at a rally in Coachella, California

It’s not hard to see that America’s still pretty damn racist, especially post-2016. However, one shocking thing is that way too many Americans apparently agree with racist comments made by ex-president Donald Trump.

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As we all know, immigrants are not dangerous, and they benefit our country tremendously. According to Vera, the idea that immigrants are dangerous is entirely made up. Immigrants do not increase crime rates in areas they move to. Another thing is that undocumented and immigrant people still pay taxes into the economy. They are not a threat to Americans, they are American people, and they need protections now more than ever. The Republican party won’t ever do this, and even Democrats are struggling to lend immigrant people the hand they so desperately need.

As usual, Trump is again spreading fascist rhetoric. As reported by The Guardian, at his Durham, New Hampshire, rally, Trump said that immigrants were “poisoning the blood of America” and vowed to clampen down on immigration. This is a horrible xenophobic lie that a lot of Americans buy into, unfortunately. How many? A Brookings Institute poll gathered that around 34% of Americans agree with Trump on this sentiment.

That’s a terrifying statistic for a number of reasons, but mainly in that it shows the horrifying reach of fascist misinformation. Trump said of immigrants that “That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America, not just to three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world” back in 2023.

Adolf Hitler also used the phrase “blood poisoning” in Mein Kampf as justifications for his genocide against ‘undesirable’ groups. ABC News reported on Trump referencing Mein Kampf in the past, as he vehemently denied that he had ever read the book, despite this probably being false. Trump has also shared admiration for Hitler as well. The man is very clearly a neo-Nazi, and we all should stop pretending otherwise.

Of course, Trump ran his entire presidential career peddling hatred, which was surprisingly effective on the racist populations of America. It’s part of why it’s so important to get out there and vote this upcoming election, so we can kick this fascist out of politics once and for all. The data just isn’t there to support any of his xenophobic claims. Period.

If that isn’t a big enough tip-off, we also wrote about how MAGA supporters are just blatantly waving swastikas at Trump parades now too.

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Michael Dawson
Michael Dawson (he/they) writes about media criticism, race studies, intersectional feminism, and left-wing politics. He has been working with digital media and writing about pop culture since 2014. He enjoys video games, movies, and TV, and often gets into playful arguments with friends over Shonen anime and RPGs. He has experience writing for The Mary Sue,, Bunny Ears, Static Media, and The Crimson White. His Twitter can be found here:

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