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Achewood Makes Its Triumphant Return

Fans of Chris Onstad’s long-running Achewood webcomic can rejoice as the strip has finally emerged from hiatus, and the bizarre adventures of Ray and his delightful cadre of alcoholic, foul mouthed, anthropomorphic friends can continue. For the first time in nearly a year, new content has been posted at, with the promise of more to follow.

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Though Onstad’s webcomic Achewood has been running for nearly ten years, it was only recently that it started to turn heads. A book deal with Dark Horse, a promotional tour, a sit-down interview at Google, and a spot on NPR seemed to indicate that the strip was at the top of its game. But toward the end of 2010, output slowed on the site, until finally grinding to a halt entirely with an announced hiatus in March.

During that time, Achewood went dark and didn’t see a new update since February. Though Onstad promised its return, a “hiatus” is generally the kiss of death for a webcomic.

That all changed this morning when Onstad tweeted that the hiatus was over, and that new content would begin flowing on the site. The first new strip appears to kick off the return with a new story arc, apparently centered around the cat Ray entering rehab. Where it will go from here, and how long it will run, is anyone’s guess. Keep in mind, this is the same strip that ran a story arc centered around time traveling through 17th century Wales with a magical poncho.

Though with so many months without a fix, Achewood fans are likely to welcome this rebirth with open arms. It’s good to see you guys again.

(via @achewood)

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