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Agents of SHIELD Welcomes Agent Dale Cooper: Kyle MacLachlan Joins Season 2 Cast

I don't know any Twin Peaks jokes, sorry.

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Be still our 90s hearts: not only is Lucy Lawless going to be joining the cast of Agents of SHIELD, but also Kyle MacLachlan of Twin Peaks. I’ve never seen Twin Peaks (save your sighs and Netflix links. My roommate is already preparing them for you), but I have seen Agents of SHIELD, and so I won’t be spoiled by knowing his role, but you might. If you haven’t finished the first season, turn back now.

Here’s a placeholder gif.

All good spoiler fearing folks gone? Good. So, according to TVLine, MacLachlan has been cast in the role of “a character best described as… Skye’s father.” The very last episode of Season 1 implied that eternal #2 villain Raina had located Skye’s father, who happened to be bathing in blood as she arrived to tell him of his daughter’s whereabouts. We didn’t get to see the guy’s face, so the role could very well be taken over by MacLachlan. My memories of the scene in question are a bit shady, both in the physical details of the man Raina visits and the specific location of said visit, but such details are small qualifiers in television.

However, there’s a decent chance that MacLachlan could be cast as Skye’s father and not be playing the man we saw at the end of Season 1. The show has established that Skye was found in Hunan Province, China as a baby, rescued from a village where all the citizens had been slaughtered by the monsters that were her parents. Though as an 0-8-4, she should have been turned over to SHIELD for testing, for reasons as yet unknown, the SHIELD agents who rescued her decided to hide her existence instead, and left her in foster care. It’s conceivably possible that MacLachlan could be playing one of those agents. We won’t know for certain until Season 2 rolls around in late September.

(via Pajiba)

Previously in Agents of SHIELD

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Susana Polo
Susana Polo thought she'd get her Creative Writing degree from Oberlin, work a crap job, and fake it until she made it into comics. Instead she stumbled into a great job: founding and running this very website (she's Editor at Large now, very fancy). She's spoken at events like Geek Girl Con, New York Comic Con, and Comic Book City Con, wants to get a Batwoman tattoo and write a graphic novel, and one of her canine teeth is in backwards.

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