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Watch This Trailer for Alfonso Cuarón’s Believe And Tell Us What You Think [VIDEO]

Cautiously Optimistic

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You wouldn’t know it from this trailer, which proudly trumpets only J.J. Abrams‘s executive producer credit, but NBC’s upcoming Believe was actually co-created by Abrams and Alfonso Cuarón. Around here we’re big fans of both his work and girls with superpowers, so needless to say we’ve been looking forward to this for a while. But the teaser… maybe it’s just that it’s early and I’m pre-breakfast, but it doesn’t grab me like I thought it would. The show looks really generic. White dude with a troubled past rescuing people. Whoopee. But hey, trailers have been misleading before. And Jamie Chung being there pleases my Mulan-loving heart.

What do you think?

(via: blastr)

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