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ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Round-up: Kermit the Frog, Orlando Jones, Hugh Jackman, Gotham, The 501st Legion, and More

Kermit, noooo! Your felt's gonna get wet!

So many notable people—and frogs—are doing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge now that it’s hard to keep up with all the great videos. That’s good news for the ALS Association, who’ve already received over $31.5 million in donations this year (you can send them your own contribution sans ice buckets here through the MDA). In case you really need to live vicariously through the pain and suffering of your favorite stars, though, then be sure to check these videos out.

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Kermit the Frog

This is the first Ice Bucket video I’ve seen where I was genuinely concerned for the participants’ well being at the end. I don’t know what that says about me.

Zachary Levi

In addition to beginning his video with a very lovely and informative explanation of why ALS is worth fighting, The Nerd Machine founder used the city of New Orleans to help him in his ice bucket challenge.

Orlando Jones

Jones brought a different and very-much needed spin to his video that’s incredibly relevant to the horrible events in Ferguson, as well as similar tragedies that have happened all across America. He explains more about his take on the challenge on his Tumblr.

Hugh Jackman, Rooney Mara, Garret Hedlund, and the entire cast and crew of Pan

Man, does that look like a fun set. And Tom Cruise even accepted, too!

Michael Roocker

Rooker responded to James Gunn’s challenge and called out… the entire remaining cast of The Walking Dead. That’s what you get for letting Merle die!

The Foo Fighters

The band called out Jack Black, John Travolta, and Stephen King. Speaking of Stephen King… eh, you know what? Just watch the video. (via Pajiba)

The Cast of Gotham

How do I know that this is Gotham? It’s so bright and sunny out. (via Digitalspy)

And finally, the 501st Legion

Man, those guys have a lot of confidence in their costuming. (via Fashionably Geek)

Remember, you can donate to fight ALS here!

Previously in Ice Buckets

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