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Lone Overclocker Beats AMD Bulldozer Chip's World Record AMD Bulldozer Chip

As you may remember, AMD took the world record for CPU overclocking a little over a month ago. Using their 8-core Bulldozer-FX chip, the team was able to set the all time record of 8.429 GHZ in an utterly theatrical manner. It wasn’t exactly a piece of cake; the event involved all kinds of unorthadox measures including liquid nitrogen and liquid helium cooling. No way some random guy could top that, right?

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Wrong. Andre Yang of Taiwan has managed to best the two-months-young record, driving his own personal AMD FX-8150 eight-core up to 8.46GHz, presumably without all the colored lights, a thumping soundtrack, or high production values.

It’s unfortunate that we don’t exactly know what kind of circumstances Yang pulled this off in, but it does say a lot for the power of the little guy. If a big team of experienced overclockers with all kinds of cooling mechanisms on hand can get beat out by an individual overclocker in a matter of months, we can only expect that there is plenty of room between here and the overclocking ceiling.

According to Engadget, AMD says that it’s not disappointed at how brief their record was, but excited to see exactly how many new records their baby can set. Hopefully the next few will come with awesome, over-produced videos.

(via Engadget, X-bit Labs)

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