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How Bad Is the Trolling Problem on the GOP’s Suggestion Site? Not as Bad as You Think.


50 suggestions by user interest (10 from each category), and my troll vs. nontroll grades.

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American Prosperity:

STOP THE PORK: Place a moratorium on all earmarks until the budget is balanced, and then require a 2/3 majority to pass any earmark.


Tax Churches. Most are just a money making scheme for those in control of them. Use said money to decrease the weight of taxes on average every day Americans. Also prevent institutions from mixing god with education if they do it on the public dole.


Reduce the size of our military spending drastically. It’s currently over 50% of our national budget and doesn’t need to be so gargantuan. Our carrier fleet alone is several times larger than the entire world’s fleets put together. If you cut that by itself you’d save the American taxpayer quite a bit of money and even have some left over for infrastructure improvements, better schools and social programs that will make this nation stronger over all.


PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION: Require each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does.


End all subsidies to farmers and business from the Federal Government. Currently, ten of thousands of farmers receive government checks to NOT grow any crops or raise livestock. One exceptionally insane example concerns tobacco. The US government will fund programs to stop people from smoking but subsidize tobacco farmers so they will not go out of business. Let the free markets work!


DEFUND, REPEAL, & REPLACE GOVERNMENT-RUN HEALTH CARE: Defund, repeal and replace the recently passed government-run health care with a system that actually makes health care and insurance more affordable by enabling a competitive, open, and transparent free-market health care and health insurance system that isn’t restricted by state boundaries.


eliminating minimum wage laws will allow companies to hire many more Americans for just a fraction of the price. If Mexicans can work for 2$ an hour, so can we.


STOP THE TAX HIKES: Permanently repeal all tax hikes, including those to the income, capital gains, and death taxes, currently scheduled to begin in 2011.


Replace all taxes with a simple flat income tax on all individuals and corporations.


Fiscal Accountability

Abolish the IRS (70,320 pages and $304 billion a year compliance cost) which is nothing more than a greedy, institutionalized stealing agency. It’s immoral and inhumane to steal people’s fruit of labor. End taxes at all levels of income for businesses and workers including payroll taxes. This will reduce the price of goods/services (govt induced inflation) and increase worker’s take home pay. Pass a law that govt can only tax at the point of consumption (no more than 15%) where it is clear, straight forward and visible to the consumer – no more hidden taxes built into the price like in gas, cigs, alcohol, etc. The poor and lower middles classes who use 90% of govt services yet pay zero federal income taxes would pay their fair share and the rich would no longer seek tax shelters to hide their money since making money and succeeding is no longer punished by the federal govt. One national sales tax is a much fairer tax system that doesn’t allow politicians to divide people into income groups for political gain. It’s none of the govt’s business how much a person makes.


Amendment 28 – “Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives, and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States .”


Transparency – American taxpayers deserve to see where their tax dollars are going, on the way into the legislative process and on the way out. This means ending the practice of rushing bills through Congress at the speed of light by requiring legislation be posted online for five days before it can be scheduled for a floor vote. This gives taxpayers the opportunity to read bills and offer feedback and potentially devastating legislation. We also must demand that ALL government expenditures, down to the line-item expense, be put online in a searchable, easily accessible format so taxpayers can track, dollar-for-dollar, where their hard-earned money is going. The only way to stop the spending is to keep representatives accountable – American taxpayers deserve the tools that will empower them to become good fiscal watchdogs of the state.


I very much want to see a strong Balanced Budget Amendment. Congress pays lip service to this and makes no serious effort to pass it. We need this desperately.


Streamline Government, there are 100 of Agencies doing substantially similar things. Government should be managed more like a company and eliminate duplicate or substantially similiar programs.


Balanced Budget, Eliminate Dept of Education, eliminate estate tax, cpa cap gain tax at 15%, Eliminate the IRS, institute a flat tax rate, reduce govt bureaucracy and spending, no more earmarks


If the GOP is really the party of smaller government then I think they should advocate an across the board reduction of federal spending on the order of 5-10% to demonstrate it. This should be a centerpiece campaign issue. If the GOP really wants smaller government, then they will need to actually reduce the spending. I would vote for the GOP if they actually endorsed such an idea.


Welfare Reform: With 1 in 5 people being on food stamps its past due time to reform government handouts. Welfare in the United States has been transformed to the point where its no longer designed to help people get by during bad times. Instead, welfare is used as a permanent crutch for the recipient and as a political advantage to one political party or another. Take out the politics and welfare is a huge strain on the budget and means to grow government dependency. You hear everyone talking about how ‘unsustainable’ social security, medicare, medicaid…etc are, so now is the time to do something about it.


Make Michael Moore’s Capitalism: A Love Story required viewing for all taxpayers and bank executives. Also: put all GOPers on a deserted island and give them knives.


Remove caps on oil spill liability so we aren’t spending billions of taxpayers’ money to clean up the messes caused by (highly profitable) private corporations


American Values

Government funds should not go towards religious organizations. I don’t want big government getting involved in my religion, and I don’t want money being wasted on something I don’t believe in. End the “christian nation” bull, taxpayer money shouldn’t be wasted on religion (it falls into the category of “wasteful government spending”). So repeal the law about faith based initiatives.


Remove religious entities from tax-exempt status. The churches are using their amassed wealth to influence voters and campaign politically which is unacceptable for a tax exempt church to do. A great example of this is just how involved Utah’s mormon churches were in California’s Prop 8 vote. If they want to use the money they get for charity instead of taxes, it should go to charity — not politics.


Termination of pregnancy should be safe, legal, and rare.


Decriminalize/legalize marijuana and tax it like alcohol and cigarettes. We waste way too much law enforcement resources in arresting and prosecuting individuals for simple possession. Taxing legal marijuana sales could add millions of dollars in revenue.


Legalize marijuana. This idea coming from a very hard core conservative. If Uncle Sugar could control every seed, thus creating a very strong revenue source…and let’s face it…that is really the only concern the Feds have…then I for one would support the venture, and be done with all the silly cat and mouse. One consequence: a drop in Domestic Disturbances, and a rise in the birth rate…sorry that was two. Good’ay


get rid of dont ask dont tell


the sanctity of life should support whatever of woman wishes to do with her body. Without this right freedom is meaningless


I like turtles.


we should make english the official language of the US and stop spending tax dollars on translations for mexicans! if english is good enough for baby jesus, its good enough for americans.


Oppose using public revenues to promote or perform abortion and will not fund organizations which advocate it. Support the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity and dignity of innocent human life.


Terrorism Abroad

Repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Simple. Let the LGBT community serve in the military.


Cut the Military budget in half and begin to invest in humanity, here and abroad.


Ban handguns. No exceptions, except for law enforcement and military.


Help secure our Boarder by ending Marijuana Prohibition. Cartels make 60% of there profit from Pot and are the single biggest threat to our Boarder. The only thing the Prohibition of Marijuana has done is made our enemies stronger from the BILLIONS in Pot profit that they use to fund even more harmful activities and crimes. Government has NO RIGHT to tell someone what they can and cant put into there bodies as long as it does not harm anyone else. Anyone with common sense knows Pot fits right into that category.


Build a wall along our borders. Not a wimpy fence. China did it and the toursim dollars the wall brings in will more than pay for the cost. I’m thinking a 1000 feet high and a 100 feet or more thick. A man made mountain range. That’ll keep people out! P.S. Canadians are a bigger threat to our security than we realize. Did you realize the late Peter Jennings’ Canadian, yet hosted an American news program? They can blend in unnoticed into our society and our border with them is totally demilitarized!!! They can just sneak across and pretend to be Americans, with their stinkin’ European-wannabe socialism. P.P.S. Maybe anchor some mines along our coastal waterways so no one sneaks in on boats.


Annex Canada and Mexico. Building wall across Guatemala will be easier and melting ice cap means Russians will have harder time with invasion.


The opposition to the new Arizona law has been loud and visible. Politicians need to stand up and publically support Arizona’s right to defend themselves. This law is a mirror of the federal law with the exception that it empowers the Arizona authorities to participate in enforcing our laws on those who are entering the country ILLEGALLY.


we need to employ some of those invincible black knights from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.


All law abiding citizens, even in New York City, and Chicago, have the right to bear arms. No government, city, state, or federal has the right to take that away. This needs to be put in print AGAIN.


Make English our official language. It has been up for vote twice and did not pass. Why?


Open Mic

Legalize and Tax Marijuana. The savings from the wasted resources used on fighting the war on Marijuana would be very large as well. Not to mention the many, mainly young minority, lives hurt by the current marijuana laws. We and the medical community know the plant is safer than alcohol. Let’s put the tax revenue and saved resources towards real problems.


Each year taxpayers foot the bill for a “war on drugs” that costs tens of billions of dollars, results in hundreds of thousands of arrests, and does absolutely nothing to solve the drug problem in this country. It’s time that we end the ineffective prohibition approach (just like we did with alcohol), and enact a new system of legalized regulation and taxation for drugs like marijuana. In addition to generating fiscal savings and new tax revenue for our economy, legalization will also improve public safety and national security by bankrupting the violent gangs and cartels who control the currently illegal market for drugs.


Consensual love is just that; consensual. There is no reason to forbid two intelligent consenting entities from engaging in relations, logically, because legislating a victimless crime on the basis of morality is against the American way. Therefore, the government should stop misusing Animal Abuse laws to convict zoophiles and remove them from their animalistic loved ones. Consensual bestiality should not be illegal. No, I am not joking. Everything I’ve said is logically sound.


What happened to my Republican Party, the one I remember from my youth? Fiscal discipline, wariness about foreign entanglements and taxes but a sober commitment to the public good. I just don’t see it in today’s Republican Party with its courting of gun owners, anti-environmentalism, and the religious right. Forget the social issues, forget the divisiveness, put some intellectual heft behind the party in place of Beck, Palin, and Limbaugh. What you are gaining in frenzy you are losing in wisdom and leadership.


Stop “teaching” our children the atheist doctrine of heliocentrism. It contradicts the Bible.


End the idea of Net Neutrality. American’s do not need the government censoring our websites for us. Leave the internet alone.


all leaders should proclaim faith in Jesus Christ. anyone who does not, like muslims and atheists should be removed from office.


Members of Congress should no longer be able to vote themselves pay raises. Congressional pay raises should be approved at the ballot box by the general electorate


I believe we need more Bears riding in cars and less Glenn Beck on the airwaves!


The 50 most recent suggestions (10 from each category), and my troll vs. nontroll evaluations.

American Prosperity

let’s bring back Winston Churchill, he’ll know what to do


There’s always money in the banana stand. Economy problem solved.


Someone on here said we should arm bears. I think that is a terrible idea. Haven’t you heard of “Planet of the Apes?” Only this time it will be planet of the bears!


What America needs is more competition. Congress should pass a law prohibiting cooperation in any form. Everybody should be required to try to be better than everybody else.


No need to live your life with your brown eye shut.


Let’s see if i were pres or in congress I would introduce a TELECOMMUTER WORKERS ACT that extends massive tax breaks to companies that support AMERICANS telecommuting to work. Dollar for dollar breaks on monies spent to create and support telecommuting infrastructure. tax breaks to employees for anything purchased to support their working from home. caveats – the worker must be a citizen, the worker must live in the united states, the job CANNOT be sent overseas the benefits – less people driving, parents struggling with daycare costs can opt to stay at home with children while they work, increase in broadband usage creating jobs in the telco industry, companies would spend less on power and other employee “facilities” related costs


There is no way we can be comptetive in world trade until we do away with minimum wage and the middle class. We need to deregulate business, abolish labor unions, and go back to the good old days of sweat factorys, company towns, and child labor.


No more social security! Make old people live with their kids.


I can’t reveal my ideas because Obama might steal them and the credit;except to say I am running in 2012. I can put everybody on unemployment back to work, with good jobs, in six months


Dump the Electoral College… it is an outdated system from the birth of this country and has no place in the 21st century



Melt farm implements and turn them into guns.


Spend, spend, spend! Don’t try to control it, unleash it! Look folks, money is like the wind. You can only feel it, when it’s moving. The answer is to keep money moving! Spend!


Why did you create the illustion that we would never have to pay for the Iraqi war?


Years ago the supreme court decided a case between a private company and a us gov. agency. The company asserted they could do a job more effieiently than the gov agency and the gov agency admitted this was true. However, they decided to do the work ‘in house’. The supreme court decided for the gov agency for the following reason:”there is no constitutional requirement for government to be effieient.” Is it not time for us to take a pro-active stance and advocate for a constitutional amendment that requrires our government to be efficient? I suggest something simple and direct. “The government shall be efficient and frugal in its stewardship of pujblic funds, land, and material assets, including those monies graranteed by the good faith of the United States of America.” I believe this changes the basic argument from the negative “I am against waste” to the positive “I am for financial integrity by my government.”


Return to a truly conservative tax policy. Restore General Eisenhower’s 90% top tax rate until the war debt is paid off.


• Get rid of central banks and allow a return to sound money – gold and silver, privately circulated • Reduce taxes to a bare minimum to ensure they are neither progressive nor graduated • Debate and create a sound and modest form of republican government • Pursue devolution so power flows back to municipalities and neighborhoods • Privatize public services as much as possible (transportation, policing, etc) and reduce them. • Re-privatize health care and let the market do its work • Privatize education and let the market do its work • Reduce military spending to a minimum and abandon foreign entanglements • Get rid of laws differentiating between commercial and private speech and respect the 1st amendment • Return as much as possible to common law and decriminalize as many activities as possible.


rednano74: Your idea will be good after we pay the deficit for this year (we do not even have a budget yet) and when we finish paying the deficit we must pay the 13 trillion dollar debt (every baby born in US now is born with a few billion dollars of debt as soon as they take their first breath). Then we must fix the infrastructure of our country, pay for the government (which would be cheaper if smaller [vote republican] ), pay for the wars (support our troops), find the illegal Muslims and prevent terrorist activities on our soil. GOVERNMENT SHOULD STOP SPENDING.


Let’s face it, healthcare is broken, and we’re actively trying to keep it that way. We spend twice to three times per person on health care compared to the rest of the world, and yet have people filing bankruptcy over medical costs and are 47th in quality of care. Single payer is the most efficient system. And we can do it better than any other country in the world, because we’re innovators. Let’s make our Heathcare System something to brag about. 1. Establish a single payer heathcare system. Fold the existing insurers into it. Keep hospitals private. Retain or shorten the patent lifetime of pharmaceuticals, and let the government negotiate the prices–we’d be the bigger purchasers they have. Right now the Pharma industry spends >60% of its operating cost on marketing–WE (the taxpayer!) foot the bill for research (via grants)! Basically expanding Medicare to cover all Americans, it works, it works well, it just needs funding. Which leads to… 2.Legalize Marijuana, tax it. It’s been illegal since the ’30s, it’s less harmful than alcohol, and the money wasted on fighting it would be MUCH better spent combating meth. There are things that are going to happen eventually, because Americans overall want them. Let be the party that leads the way into the future, instead of letting the Democrats claim the glory (like they did with the Health Care bill that was essentially Bob Dole’s bill from ’94, and Nixon’s idea) while we sit around and complain.


Stop hiring bureaucrats to do jobs normal people can do. I’m tired of dealing with bureaucrats. You know what I call them? “Drear-ocrats.” Also, abolish all taxes because lord knows I never use any public services.

nontroll (+ lol @ “drear-ocrats”)

Stop sending billions to other countries for any reason!! If we want to send money ourselves, we will!! If you send it by Making us it is not Charity!! Let’s get this overspending under control. If the government doesn’t like it, they can step down.


American Values

xSTRMSofWHSKEYx 3:17 pm (3:17:18 PM): Stop teaching “evolution”. This secular scientific malarky has no place in our schools. As a father of three, I can’t stand it when they come home with notions of evolution and contradict the Holy Bible. I am trying to raise them as good Christians, like our forefathers… And our schools are throwing that all out with science classes. Maybe science classes should be canceled completely!


Every American should be issued with a grizzly bear and a chain gun. The 2nd Amendment guarantees us the right to keep and arm bears, and I want my bear.


honor, respect, and protect all living things… except john boehner, at least until he learns how to smile.


Outlaw self-abuse. The hypocrisy of opposing abortion, while showing no regard for the lives of sperm cells that men of all ages callously send to their deaths every day, is all too blatant. The GOP must show its commitment to the sanctity of life, by recognising that every gamete is a precious human life. It should only be illegal for guys though; as far as I know, female self-pleasuring doesn’t do anything to harm their eggs. To make it fair, we could ban female activities that are bad for the ovaries, such as skydiving and horseback riding.


Protect the sanctity of post-birth life by fully funding social programs to feed, clothe, shelter, and provide health care to children.


Censorship is not an american value, yet many suggestions on this site have been “disappeared”. In Soviet Russia, there were elections, but there was only one party to vote for. That’s what censoring ideas you dislike gets you. Soviets or the GOP. Either way, not good. Not good at all.


I think the military should just pretend like gay people don’t exist. That’s what I do. Except, of course, when I get my hair done.


the sanctity of life should be protected. Before an abortion, the patient should be forced to name the baby, knit the baby pajamas, and make a mixed tape for the baby,


More government in my life. Every aspect. If it means 5 guys in black suits and shades watching me do my wife to ensure there is no buttsx I’m all for it. As long as I get a cut of the profit when they post it on the intertubes.


Only give birth certificates to babies who can prove they are white Christians at birth. Everyone else gets an RFID chip identifying them as potential terrists. Oh and trucknutz.


Terrorism Abroad

In order to maintain our military superiority the US of A, needs to begin immediate construction of the Death Star.


Make it a law to teach intelligent design and creationism alongside Godless Darwinism. And if the liberals don’t like it, make it the law that if they believe in Darwin, they may only marry monkeys. And do not allow abortion for man-monkey babies.


We should build a giant space station with a “megalaser” capable of destroying the planet. If the terrorists attack the USA, we can fire the “Death Moon”, and blow up the entire planet. Fear will keep the other countries in line!


Secure our borders. Deport all illegals. End law that children born in US of illegals are citizens. Make it harder for people to immigrate UNLESS they come here seeking freedom rather than shopping opportunities at Wal-Mart.


After WE, the TRUE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE PATRIOTS, regain power of the Congress in 2011, LOAD the FY2012 DOD Appropriations bill with funding for PATRIOT ANDROIDS, fueled by the oil skimmed of the top of the Gulf of Mexico, that are programmed to SEEK AND DEPORT ILLEGALS. The Robots should be equipped with Selena cassettes, Paletas, and Tijuana Bibles (preferably about relations between Wonder Woman and Plastic Man) to ensnare the ILLEGALS in a lasso of PATRIOT CHRISTIAN MAGIC.


Ballots should separate Christian candidates from the other candidates because Christ was behind the formation of the United States.


Ship dem Mexicans back to their own country!! That’s what Jesus would do if he here!


The GOP should create a website where God-fearing, patriotic, red-blooded Americans can speak their mind, and have people vote on their ideas


Jello fish, rendered without red. Kamikaze trees solicit never! We must generic audit for within stricture. Where? You! Daft. Indeed.


We should have plundered the Gulf of all resources 20 years ago. That way my parents would have had to have cleaned up all the spilled oil and I could focus on more important endeavors… like Call of Duty or Taco Bell.


Speaking Out

I am afraid that President Obama may try to come onto this site and offer his ideas, then pretend that they are Republican ideas and claim he is being “bipartisan”. So I have a solution. When you register on this site and you pick your avatar, there should be one that looks half African American, half white. He’ll of course pick that one and we will know it is him.


What are “badges”? How do I earn them? Will that mean I’m a sherrif? We don’t need no stinking badges!


In order to create an America where everyone is involved create programs that for a short term employ recent graduates (1-2 years stints similar to the the Peace Corp) to get people involved in the government at a young age, after college/high school. People will be more involved if they have actively participated in the past and this should, ideally, lead to more involvement and a more democratic country


im christian if we came from apes how come were not hairy and have a big mouth and did we end up looking like we do know and besides there isnt any serious proof of apes they showd a video saying an ape was wondering around in the forest that thing looked exactly like a costume that i had saw at a store know one ever cought an ape


Since this site was paid for with taxpayer money, there should not be any censoring of ideas or comments. Also, since the Republicans have claimed that this site has nothing to do with the November elections and is merely intended to allow Americans a way to submit ideas to the GOP, I think the Republican party should pledge to adopt the top voted ideas as part of its party platform – even if they conflict with the party’s current agenda.


No taxes at all for all alw enforcement personnel! They are paid by tax dollars, so paying taxes back it like giving money to a neighbor that borrowed your lawnmower – and didn’t give it back! Useless!


end censorship


Some things can not be explained by science. Take for example, rainbows. Rainbows are a mystery and you can not touch them, just like god. Despite this fact, they are still there even though there is no scientific explanation for them. So next time you find yourself doubting your faith, think of god as a rainbow. I know that this can be a difficult concept for some of you to grasp. It is just like air you can’t see it but you know its there


Ban the playing “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood in the presence of the U.S. flag. Also in rooms that are painted white, gray or ecru. Or in my presence or the presence of people who might be confused with me.


Why is everyone so hard on BP right now? I spend way too much on suntan oil as is and will now be saving a few bucks when I go down to the gulf for vacation. I do love me some free!


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