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What Animated Food Do You Most Want to Try?

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 Recreating the delicious meals we see in films is a popular and thrilling activity, but rarely does real life live up to the artwork. Warning: this video will most definitely make you super hungry.

The Royal Ocean Film Society shared a supercut titled “Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner” of some of the most delectable-looking meals in animation from the stop-motion foods of Fantastic Mr. Fox to the detail of Pixar’s Ratatouille, and Wallace and Gromit‘s cheese and cracker. Disney’s Lion King also makes an appearance, validating the fact that you too also thought that maybe those bugs didn’t look all that bad?

Of course, there’s a generous amount of time given to the many meals of Studio Ghibli which can make egg on toast or a simple bowl of noodles look like the most amazing thing in the world.

If you could have any of these meals, what would they be? In this particular video, the bentos from Ocean Waves had me drooling with envy.

Me at the end of this video:

(via Kotaku, image: Toho)

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