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Yo, Studios: Here’s Why We Need More Female-Centric Superhero Merch [VIDEO]

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Mini-Huntress and Power Girl—OK, Anya and Stella, but they’ll always be Mini-Huntress and Power Girl to us—saw Guardians of the Galaxy recently and fell head over heels for Gamora. So they went to Target in search of action figures, as you do. Only… well, watch the vid and you’ll see. If you read our piece on #WheresGamora—or, for that matter, if you’re at all familiar with the plight of geeks with a love of female characters in their hearts and money for merch in their pockets—you can probably guess what’s coming.

“I’m enough of a nerd that I know where to go to get female superhero figures,” explains Anya and Stella’s father John Marcotte, “but they are generally designed for the adult male collector market. They are often inappropriately attired and always more expensive than the lines that are developed to be played with by children.”

It’s real easy to say “It’s just business! Superheroine merch doesn’t sell!” when you barely provide any superheroine merch for people to buy, folks.

(via Women You Should Know)

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