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Custom Fragrance Smells Like A Freshly Unboxed Apple Product

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There’s a certain kind of smell that comes with newly unpackaged electronics. Personally, I’m partial to recently-opened-Xbox-game myself, but there’s definitely something to be said for freshly-unboxed-Apple-product. In fact, someone out there likes it so much that they commissioned a fragrance to emulate the scent and Air Aroma was happy to oblige. I guess it’s more efficient that enthusiastically rubbing yourself with empty iPad boxes every morning.

Air Aroma describes the scent like this on their blog:

A distinctive scent can be observed when unwrapping a newly purchased Apple product from its packaging. Apple fans will certainly recognize this smell. The scent created for Greatest Hits encompasses the smell of the plastic wrap covering the box, printed ink on the cardboard, the smell of paper and plastic components within the box and of course the aluminum laptop which has come straight from the factory where it was assembled in China.

Before you get too excited, this fragrance isn’t going to be available for purchase or anything. The scent was commissioned for use at an art exhibition in Melborne called “De facto Standard.” After that, Air Aroma has no plans to sell the product for personal use which somehow feels both like a great victory and a total bummer. If you’re in Melborne, the show is going on right now until May 12th. As for the rest of us, we’ll just have to keep huffing boxes to get our respective fixes.

(via Geekologie)

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