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iPADD: Give Your iPad a Star Trek Look

Fans of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine may remember the PADD, or “Personal Access Display Device,” a handheld computer carried around by members of Starfleet: Well, it looks like there’s going to be an iPad app that’ll adopt a PADD-like look to help your social networking information live long and prosper. Also, look cool.

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According to Gizmodo, the app will be titled not the “iPADD,” (too easy?) but “Captain’s Log,” which is subtler, but as good a Star Trek reference as any in our book: “Captain’s log” were the first two words spoken in the original broadcast of “The Man Trap,” the first episode of Trek, in 1966. (Naturally, William Shatner got the honors.)

(Gizmodo via Mashable)

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